This page showcases landing pages and small websites from my work at the Center for Health Research.
COVID-19 Study Registry

This landing page was added to the CHR website in late 2020. The purpose of this page was to serve as a consent and to persuade users to register and participate in one of the many COVID-19 related clinical trials at CHR. Like the rest of the website, this landing page was designed and developed to respond to any device size.
R-Kids Study Landing Page

This responsive landing page was accessed by users who received the link from either an email or a mailed letter. This page would lead to a consent and screening survey. This design followed an established brand and wireframes were created to show how the page would work for different screen sizes.
TAG website

This was a sub-site within the Center for Health Research website and was developed to share the work of the Center’s Department of Translational and Applied Genomics (TAG).